As This Happens

Documentary Film

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Twelve Mexicans around the world document their lives during lockdown. They film their day by day with any available devices during the first wave of the pandemic crisis of 2020. We understood even less than we do now, but even so, were certain that we were witnessing a historical event.

Some of them do it from the privilege of an almost total lockdown; dealing with loneliness or with unwanted company. Others are forced to confront their fears in order to keep their jobs; some of them must face the virus on the front line.

As This Happens raises the question of what can be learned from those early days when the pandemic was raging: a time when survival depended on confinement, in order to find reasons to help us stay together.


The stage we’re in

With the movie’s final cut, we have a pending postproduction process to homogenize sound and image, considering it’s a multi format documentary. We’re looking for allies to join as co-producers of the film.

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